Reasons for changing the color of the sky - 9oole

Reasons for changing the color of the sky

Reasons for changing the color of the sky


  1. Reasons for changing the color of the sky
  2. factors on which dispersal depends
  3. How does dispersal occur?
  4. references

Reasons for changing the color of the sky

The color of the sky changes during sunset and sunrise to different bright colors, and to different degrees, and sometimes several colors appear in the sky at the same time, and they are overlapping with each other . This phenomenon, how it occurs and its causes can be explained as follows:

Scattering Phenomenon

Scattering is a cosmic phenomenon that causes light waves in solar radiation to scatter in different directions, and this phenomenon was discovered by meteorologist Steven Ackerman at Madison University in Washington, and the discovery of this theory helped explain Many cosmic phenomena in various fields. [1]

The scientist Stephen was able, through the scattering theory, to explain the appearance of different colors in our sky, where the sun emits rays of a wave nature that reach our atmosphere, through which particles and small-sized particles are scattered like dust, where these particles interact with these rays, causing them to scatter and scatter. [1]

Factors on which dispersal depends

There are two main factors on which the occurrence of dispersion depends, which causes the color of the sky to change and its appearance in different, many, overlapping colors at different times of the day, and these factors are as follows: [2]

  • wave length

Where the light waves with large wavelengths are scattered more than the rest of the other short waves when the sun is far from the horizon, so we see the sky all the time in blue, while when the sun is closer to the horizon, the long light waves are less scattered as the red color, which has the largest length wavy.

  • The size of the particle on which the light falls.

How does dispersal happen?

The sun radiates white light on the earth, and in the path of these solar rays of the earth they do not collide with anything, and when these rays penetrate the atmosphere, they collide in the particles that make up it, particles, and water droplets in the atmosphere, which causes the phenomenon of refraction of light, and thus leads to obtaining Several rays of different colors.

During the period of sunset and sunrise, the sun is closer to the horizon, which allows the solar rays to pass through more particles than during the day and afternoon, when the sun is farther from the horizon and atmospheric particles. Like yellow, orange, and red. [2]

These colors block a long path in the atmosphere, superior to other colors, then the sun’s rays travel in waves, and each wave has its own wavelength and frequency, and the red color has the largest wavelength, and both the blue and violet colors have the least wavelengths of light, and the reason When the sky appears blue in good weather, it is the brightest color among the others. [2]

The reviewer

  1. “Curiosities: What determines the colors of the sky at sunrise and sunset?”, UNIVERSITY of WISCONSIN MADISON, Retrieved 1/2/2022. Edited.
  2. “What Determines Sky’s Colors At Sunrise And Sunset?”, Science Daily, Retrieved 1/2/2022. Edited.

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