Tourism in Antalya - 9oole

Tourism in Antalya

Tourism in Antalya


Tourism in Antalya

Antalya, located in Turkey , is considered one of the most tourist destinations in the world. It is the fourth most visited city in the world and is called Heaven on Earth. Because it is characterized by its history, nature, and lifestyles, it is also called the city of pearls in the Mediterranean and the Turkish Riviera. [1]

The most famous tourist places in Antalya

There are many tourist places that can be visited in Antalya , including the following: [2]

  • Antalya Museum: It displays the most prominent discoveries resulting from the excavation process along the Turkish coast, which helps to understand the history of Turkey, especially from the Bronze Age to Byzantium.
  • Aspendos: This archaeological site is the site of a Roman theater during the second and third centuries believed to be the best preserved place in the world, and one of the best tourist attractions in Turkey, it has been completely restored.
  • Perge: It was the capital of ancient Pamphylia that flourished during Greek and Roman rule, and today it appears as a courtyard full of semi-ruined temples and an agora dotted with monumental columns.
  • Duden Falls: The rural limestone area surrounding Antalya is characterized by the presence of springs and waterfalls, which were formed from the accumulation of limestone sediment over a period of 1.5 to 2 million years.
  • Phaselis: Alexander the Great resided there in the winter in 334 BC, where there are remains of an amphitheater, aqueducts, temples, a colonnaded street, and Hadrian’s brick gate.
  • Cogain Cave: The discoveries proved that this cave was inhabited in prehistoric times. At the entrance there is a huge Roman basin and the ruins of a colony.
  • Karen Cave.
  • Olympus and Cirali.

Tourist Activities in Antalya

Antalya allows its visitors to play golf in its equipped courses, and visit historical sites such as the ancient city of Kaleiçi and the Temple of Apollo, where there are ancient Ottoman houses, a Roman harbor, in addition to the ancient Hadrian’s Gate. [3]


  1. “ANTALYA CITY GUIDE” , , Retrieved 7-6-2018. Edited.
  2. Jess Lee, “14 Top-Rated Tourist Attractions in Antalya” , , Retrieved 7-6-2018. Edited.
  3. “Things to do in Antalya”,, Retrieved 10-6-2018. Edited.

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