The most important tourist places in New York - 9oole

The most important tourist places in New York

The most important tourist places in New York


New York

New York City is the city with the highest population density among all the American states, and is the largest city in the state named after it. Its area is estimated at approximately one thousand two hundred and thirteen square kilometers, and its population is estimated at approximately fifty million people. [1]

New York City is considered one of the most influential cities in the United States of America at all in many economic, commercial, artistic, fashion, technology, media, and many other fields. Specifically because of its importance in the economic field, it is considered the economic capital of the country; This is due to the large number of corporate headquarters and financial buildings in which they are located. [1]

Origin and history

New York has many important and famous neighborhoods such as: Bronx, Manhattan, Staten Island, and Queens, and Broadway Street is also known worldwide for its many distinguished theatrical performances. Historically, New York City was established in 1624 AD; Where it was considered one of the important commercial centers by the Dutch people who settled in the American lands, and it was called at that time the title of New Amsterdam. About a third of a century later, this city fell under the control of the English. [2]

New York was called by that name after the English King Charles II granted some plots of land to the Duke of York, and this important city passed a period during which it was the official capital of the United States of America , and that was at the end of the eighteenth century and for a period of approximately five years. New York has many important tourist attractions, and the following are some of the most important of them. [2]

New York landmarks

Among the most important landmarks of New York City are the following: [3]

  • The Metropolitan Museum: It is the first museum in the United States of America; Where this museum is comparable to museums located throughout the European continent. This museum was established in the last third of the nineteenth century, and it includes many archaeological artifacts of high historical value, including antiquities belonging mainly to the Arab and European regions.
  • The Statue of Liberty : This statue is located on Liberty Island of New York City and located in its bay.
  • Public Library: This library was established in 1895 AD, and it is one of the most important libraries in the country and the world at large. It contains many valuable books that date back to many historical eras, and hence the majority of those who visit this city go to it for tourism.
  • The Metropolitan Opera: This opera is also an important landmark of the city, and it is one of the most distinguished international opera houses at all. This is because it is considered the largest place that is interested in classical music.

the reviewer

  1. “NEW YORK CITY” , , Retrieved 5-8-2018. Edited.
  2. “a BRIEF HISTORY OF NEW YORK CITY”,, Retrieved 5-8-2018. Edited.
  3. ↑ Dan Q Dao,Tazi Phillips (28-3-2018), “The best New York attractions”ØŒ, Retrieved 5-8-2018. Edited.

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