Tourism in Ghana - 9oole

Tourism in Ghana

Tourism in Ghana



Ghana is one of the republics located on the western side of the African continent on the northern coast of the Gulf of Guinea. In the past, it was called the “Gold Coast”. It is bordered on the western side by the Ivory Coast , on the eastern side by Togo, and bordered on the north by Burkina Faso, and on the southern side Gulf of Guinea. Ghana’s independence from Britain was declared in the year (1957), the official language in it is English, and the currency in circulation is the cedi. It has an area of ​​approximately (238,537) square kilometers, and a population of approximately (14,159,000) people, and its capital is the city of Accra. Its most important cities are: Tamale, Kumasi, Tema, and Cape Coast. [1]

Ghana Climate

The climate in Ghana is characterized by the combination of two climates; Tropical and equatorial climate, as the southern regions are dominated by a tropical climate, which is abundant in rain in the winter and very hot in the summer. As for the coastal regions, they are low in rain due to the winds. As for the northern and middle sections, a tropical climate prevails, and it enjoys a humid and dry climate, and is affected by the winds of “Al-Haramtan” Dry coming from the Sahara desert. [2]

Tourist areas in Ghana

Among the tourist areas in Ghana: [3]

  • Accra: It is the capital of the country and its most populous city. It is characterized by its picturesque beaches, historical and archaeological buildings, libraries and many historical museums, in addition to traditional markets and art galleries, as well as ancient castles dating back to the seventeenth century, and the abundance of gardens in them.
  • Kumasi City: It is one of the cities located in the south-central side of the country, about 250 km from the capital. Enjoyed by the visitor to the city, as it is characterized by the abundance of mountains covered with trees.
  • Cape Coast Castle: This castle is considered one of the most important stations for the migration of slaves when the country was a colony of Britain. From the inside, it contains traces on the walls in green, which are traces of the chains with which they tied the slaves in preparation for their deportation. The castle from the inside is dark and from the outside its color White limestone, containing narrow cells, and is distinguished by its wonderful and magical view of the Atlantic Ocean.
  • Elmina Castle: Located in southern Ghana, it was built by the Portuguese during the year 1482, as it was the first trading center in the Sahara Desert of Europe, and the castle was used as a gold station.
  • National Park: This park is located about 20 kilometers north of Cape Coast Castle, surrounded by farms, especially cocoa farms , and contains many trees and wild animals, and there is a road used by tourists to tour the park, which is 350 meters long and 40 meters high.

the reviewer

  1. “Ghana” , nationsonline , Retrieved 7-8-2018. Edited.
  2. “Climate”, ghanaweb, Retrieved 7-8-2018. Edited.
  3. “Must-See Attractions of Ghana”, easytrackghana, Retrieved 7-8-2018. Edited.

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