Benefits of Traveling abroad - 9oole

Benefits of Traveling abroad

Benefits of Traveling abroad


Brain Development

Travel forces a person immersed in the daily routine for many years to move different areas of his brain to deal with new environments and things he discovers, such as: reading foreign languages, moving between unfamiliar places, learning about new types of food, choosing new sleep schedules, and making quick decisions during Experiencing new things and other events, sights, and sounds that require mental processing and information preservation. These experiences activate the thinking process, improve daily organization, and renew routines. [1]

Reduce Stress

Travel is a good opportunity to get rid of stress, fatigue, and relax as much as possible, even if traveling at times is a little stressful because of going to many places, or being in noisy cities and dealing with various languages, but these things are considered positive things; Because it differs from the anxiety caused by stress related to the ordinary things of life at home and work, and travel is a good and appropriate opportunity for everyone, even if the main goal is to work and attend conferences, as the idea of ​​traveling to a new place usually changes the psychology and transforms it for the better. [2]

Discover the World

Some believe that the knowledge and concepts that he learned and received in his life about the things around him are purely true, but travel gives a person an experience full of new experiences that are sometimes different from what a person knows, as the belief of some that travel is expensive or dangerous can be wrong. Travel is less expensive and more money-saving compared to the daily expenses of a person at home, in addition to the opportunity to meet friendly and generous strangers, and to be able to discover the whole world through the new people in the place, the different cultures with which he coexists, and the various places he goes to. [3]

The Reviewer

  1. GREG RODGERS (11-2-2018), “Why Travel?” , , Retrieved 28-6-2018. Edited.
  2. Brown (4-9-2017), “12 Benefits Of Traveling With Friends At A Young Age!”،, Retrieved 28-6-2018. Edited.
  3. Adam Siddiq, “9 Wonderful Benefits Of Traveling”،, Retrieved 28-6-2018. Edited.

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