Tourism in Cuba - 9oole

Tourism in Cuba

Tourism in cuba



The Republic of Cuba consists of the island of Cuba, the island of La Joventud, and several archipelagos, all located in the Caribbean region at the entrance to the Gulf of Mexico, and Havana is the country’s capital and largest city in terms of area. 2011, including its original inhabitants and others who settled in it during the Spanish colonization, as well as the slaves who arrived in it from Africa. [1]

Tourism in cuba

The distinguished location of the country made it the focus of attention of tourists from all over the world, visited annually by more than three million people, which made the economic income increase for the state, and there are many wonderful beaches in Cuba in addition to the distinctive engineering buildings that were built during colonialism ; The number of sick people who arrived in Cuba in 2005 was more than 196 thousand people, all of whom received treatment for eye diseases , neurological disorders and orthopedics. The Cuban government has established many resorts, restaurants, and huge hotels in order to attract a number of people. The largest number of tourists, making it the third largest tourist destination by the world in the Caribbean. [2]

The most important tourist places in Cuba

Among the best places to visit in Cuba: [3]

  • Varadero Tourist Resorts: It is a series of resorts located on the Caribbean Sea so that the tourist can enjoy the appearance of clear and blue water, and he can also enjoy sitting on the soft sand.
  • Vinca Vega House: It is a house belonging to the American writer Ernest Hemingway, and it is a beautiful house that has become a place of attraction for tourists, especially after its recent restoration.
  • The capital, Havana: It is a large city with many distinctive buildings belonging to the successive colonies of the city, and what is distinguished by these buildings is the wonderful engineering method of their construction in addition to their surroundings with beautiful trees and flowers.
  • Plaza de Armas: It is a square located in Havana, which is characterized by its antiquity and its containment of palm trees.
  • Trinidad: It is a wonderful and distinctive town that allows tourists to stay in one of its homes and enjoy with its residents and nature.
  • Malecon Promenade: It is a long promenade located on the beach of Havana, characterized by its open air and the availability of some vendors who sell delicious foods, and tourists mean the corridor for rest and relaxation.
  • The Grand Theater of Havana: It is a theater that opened in 1838 in the city of Havana, and it contained many musical theaters and ballet theaters, in addition to conference and meeting rooms.

The Reviewer

  1. “ABOUT CUBA” , , Retrieved 2018-8-8. Edited.
  2. “Welcome to Cuba”,, Retrieved 2018-8-8. Edited.
  3. “10 Best Places to Visit in Cuba”,, Retrieved 2018-8-8. Edited.

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