Tourism in France - 9oole

Tourism in France

Tourism in France



France is located in the European continent, and its territory is distributed on many Atlantic and Mediterranean coasts, as it extends from the Mediterranean Sea to the Atlantic Ocean.

Paris is the country’s capital, and French is the official language of its residents, and its currency is the euro. organizations and institutions.

Tourism in France

The distinguished location of the country made it include many wonderful terrains of mountains, plains and green nature, which made it attract tourists from all over the world, and the successive governments of France established many places such as malls, resorts, and hotels to be another incentive to visit it, that made tourism in The state ranks third in terms of income increase. [1]

The most Important Tourist Places

France has wonderful places worth visiting, and we mention the most important of them: [2]

  • The Eiffel Tower: It is one of the most recognized landmarks by the world’s population, and the tower attracts tourists to it, especially in the evening hours when the tower is fully lit, which constitutes a wonderful appearance that visitors desire. The tower was built in 1889 by Gustave Eiffel .
  • Chamonix Resort: A resort located in the French Alps, tourists visit it to practice skiing, and it was the first site where the Winter Olympics were held in 1924.
  • Mont Saint-Michel Island: It is a small island in size, but it contains many winding and strange buildings and streets that exist since the Middle Ages, and this island is located off the coast of Normandy.
  • Babis Palace: It is one of the largest Gothic buildings around the world. The palace was built in 1309 to accommodate Pope Clement V. The palace is distinguished by its three-meter thick wall.
  • Chartres Cathedral: It is a distinctive cathedral with its stained-glass windows. The cathedral is located in the French city of Chartres.
  • The Louvre Museum: It is a museum located in the capital, Paris, and the museum contains many art and historical monuments from all over the world, including Pharaonic and Roman statues, and the number of artifacts in it reached more than 5664 pieces, and the museum building dates back to the ancient era, as it was built by King Philip.
  • Tomb of the Pantheon of the Great: It is a cemetery that includes the remains of many French writers, scholars and generals. It was built in 1790 . The cemetery was distinguished by its distinctive Roman-style building, with a large dome and classical building facades.
  • Alexander III Bridge: It is a bridge that extends over the Seine River, and is characterized by the abundance of arches in it. Tourists go to the bridge to cross over it, enjoy the wonderful views around it and reach the point of relaxation. The bridge was built in 1900 by Alexander III.

The Reviewer

  1. ↑ “29 Top Tourist Attractions in France” , touropia , Retrieved 10-08-2018. Edited.
  2. ↑ “15 Top-Rated Tourist Attractions in France – The 2018 Guide” , planetware , Retrieved 10-08-2018. Edited.

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