Tourism in China - 9oole

Tourism in China

Tourism in China


Tourism in China

China has many places to attract tourists; Where there are mountains, eternal monasteries, temples and villages, ancient archaeological sites, caves, rivers and waterfalls, gardens, lakes, and we mention in this article some tourist places in China. [1]

Terracotta Army

The Terracotta Army represents a whole army of clay dating back to the third century BC consisting of warriors of various ranks, shields and weapons, chariots and horses , government officials, and others, who are the retinue of a king whose tomb was found with them. The Terracotta Army was discovered by chance by farmers in In 1974 near Mount Li in Shaanxi Province, it was one of the greatest archaeological discoveries of the twentieth century. [2]

Victoria Beck

Victoria Peak, or as it is called Mount Austin, is the highest mountain in Hong Kong and the main tourist area that receives approximately seven million tourists annually, but these tourists cannot reach Victoria Peak because it is closed to them, and Victoria Peak includes the most expensive real estate in the world, and a garden overlooking the sea And nearby islands, a funicular train transports tourists up steep mountaintops, the Peak Tower. [3]

Great Wall of China

The Great Wall of China is one of the greatest wonders of the world and extends 13,170 miles from east to west. In 1987 it was listed as a World Heritage Site by UNESCO. The history of the Great Wall of China goes back more than 2,000 years, and it consists of parallel walls. One of the most attractive landmarks in the world due to its historical importance and splendor of architecture. [4]

Jin Mao Tower

The Jin Mao Tower is a skyscraper in Shanghai, opened in 1999, and at the time was one of the tallest buildings in the world; It is 420.5 meters high and consists of 88 floors. [5]

The Reviewer

  1. Barsbold Baatarsuren (2021-3-5), “China Tourism: Get Known To Unknown Side Of The Asian Giant” , , Retrieved 2021-3-27. Edited.
  2. “Interesting facts about Terracotta Warriors” , mapsofworld , Retrieved 2018-5-28. Edited.
  3. “Victoria Peak Travel Information”, mapsofworld,2017-5-11، Retrieved 2018-5-28. Edited.
  4. Benjamin Sawe (2017-9-22), “Why Was The Great Wall Of China Built?”، worldatlas, Retrieved 2018-5-28. Edited.
  5. Kenneth Pletcher, “Jin Mao Tower”، britannica, Retrieved 2018-5-28. Edited.

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