The importance of Tourism in Jordan - 9oole

The importance of Tourism in Jordan

The importance of tourism in Jordan


The economic importance of tourism in Jordan

The tourism sector is one of the most vital sectors in Jordan. Where the growth of tourism in the past two decades has contributed to making it one of the main pillars of the national Jordanian economy due to its bringing in hard foreign currencies and enhancing its revenues , [1] to the Jordanian economy; Which generated direct revenues for the state in various ways; It is represented in obtaining entrance fees to tourist sites, income and sales tax on hotels, and on tourist facilities such as: restaurants, transportation systems, and others. [3]

The cultural significance of tourism in Jordan

Tourism in Jordan is linked to heritage and culture in particular and more closely than it is to the site and the climatic condition prevailing in it. Where cultural tourism in Jordan plays an important role in attracting tourists and increasing economic growth and development; This is due to many factors, including: the originality and uniqueness of cultural and religious sites such as religious sanctuaries and others, in addition to the religious factor and the issue of political identity. It should be noted that the overlap and harmony between cultural heritage preservation and tourism plays a major role in improving the economy through preserving heritage and presenting it as a landmark. And a tourist and cultural symbol for tourists, [4] and the following shows the benefits of tourism culturally: [5]

  • Protecting and restoring cultural resources by increasing public investment in them.
  • Improving minority languages.
  • Spreading culture and exchanging it among tourists and locals.
  • Influencing aspects of cultural heritage such as sciences, arts, literature, and the culture of local communities.

The social importance of tourism in Jordan

Tourism mainly affects the various aspects of social life of values, customs, and traditions specific to peoples and societies, in addition to strengthening ties between peoples, enhancing understanding, respect, and communication among them, and these matters contribute to spreading and achieving peace among peoples. On the other hand, tourism works on Increasing the awareness of the local population of the importance of preserving and protecting resources and landmarks, [5] [6] [7] On the other hand, the objectives of social tourism development are defined in the early stages of the tourism planning process in Jordan, including providing recreational facilities for local residents and tourists in addition to Meet and satisfy the social desires of individuals and groups of tourists. [6]

The environmental importance of tourism in Jordan

The environment is an essential component of the tourist attractions in Jordan. Where tourism is specifically related to non-enclosed places; In order to enjoy the various aspects of nature , including mountains, seas, beaches, green and desert areas, tourism has contributed to preserving and protecting the environment; This is done by increasing and spreading awareness among tourists and local residents of environmental values ​​and problems, and helping them to use conscious behaviors and activities towards nature and the environment, in addition to that tourism is a tool for financing the protection of natural areas and increasing their economic importance. [5]

Early planning for eco-tourism development in Jordan seeks to preserve the important environmental assets of tourism by reducing errors that may lead to its destruction, in addition to developing the infrastructure for multiple-use places such as restaurants, facilities, hotels, parks, and nature reserves; whose owners place a priority on preserving it as it is a source of income for them. It should be noted that Jordan has taken a serious approach to protecting the natural environment through the establishment of many nature reserves; Currently, there are ten nature reserves that provide tourists with an exceptional experience to enjoy nature, in addition to their role in helping local communities. [5] [8]

The reviewer

  1. “The Jordanian National Tourism System” ,, 6-19-2020 . Edited.
  2. “An applied study of the determinants of the flow of tourism exports”,، 29-6-2020. Edited.
  3. “Tourism Country Situation Report”,، 19-7-2020,14. Edited.
  5. “International Journal of Heritage, Tourism and Hospitality”,311,312,309،310،، 19-7-2020. Edited.
  6. “Tourism Sector Development in Jordan”12,13,، 19-7-2020. Edited.
  7. Rules and Prospects of Modernization in Jordan, Page 180. Edited.
  8. “Eco-tourism: a look at Jordan.”,، 19-7-2020. Edited.

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