Tourism in Monaco - 9oole

Tourism in Monaco

Tourism in Monaco



Monaco is the second smallest country in the world in size. Any time of the year where it is characterized by a mild winter and a pleasant summer, but it is preferable to visit it between the months of April and May or between the months of September and October. [1]

Tourism in Monaco

Monaco contains many tourist places , including the following:

Old City

Also nicknamed as the Rock of Monaco, it is one of the ancient cities that is characterized by the spread of many distinctive buildings in it in addition to the monumental buildings that show the beauty of the picturesque architecture dating back to the Middle Ages, and contains many government buildings and a palace for the Prince, which allows visitors to explore it through tours interior in it. [2]

Oceanographic Aquarium

The Oceanographic Museum and Aquarium is one of the most attractive tourist attractions in Monaco, as the museum owns many different artifacts and the aquarium has a variety of wonderful marine life. [2]

Monte Carlo Resort

Monte Carlo Resort is located near the Alps along the French Riviera on the Mediterranean Sea in the northeastern side of Nice in France. Prince Charles III was granted a charter to build the resort in 1856, and it was converted five years after its opening in 1861 to A luxurious stadium for the world’s rich in order to stimulate trade in Monaco. It contains an opera house that was established in 1878, in addition to a sports club that was established in 1932. [3]


  1. ↑ “Monaco” , , Retrieved 23-23-2021. Edited.
  2. ^ Monaco Map” , mapsofworld , Retrieved May 23, 2018. Edited.
  3. ↑ “Monte-Carlo”, britannica, Retrieved 23-05-2018. Edited.

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