Tourism to Vienna - 9oole

Tourism to Vienna

Tourism to Vienna


Tourism to Vienna

Vienna is an important economic and cultural center in Austria , and it is its capital and largest city, and one of the nine states. , archaeological areas and many others, Vienna is considered the city of music; In it, many famous musicians were born, such as: Johann Strauss I, Johann Strauss II, Falco, and Gerhard Potuznik, in addition to the presence of musicians from all over the world to work in it, such as: Beethoven, Mozart, and others. [1]

Tourist places in Vienna

There are many distinctive tourist places in Vienna , including: [2]

  • St. Stephen’s Cathedral: It is the oldest religious building in Vienna. It contains 23 bells, 18 altars, and many chapels.
  • Schönbrunn Palace: Famous for its stunning architecture, the palace includes 1,441 rooms, the world’s oldest zoo, labyrinths of gardens, and the largest farms in the world. It is a UNESCO World Heritage Site.
  • Belvedere Palace: The palace contains a museum displaying the best Austrian artwork, as well as ornate fountains, gardens, and statues that attract visitors to walk around and see it.
  • The Opera House: One of the most famous opera houses in the world, characterized by glowing chandeliers, stunning interior designs, and marble staircases, it presents more than 50 works every year.

Green Vienna

Vienna is considered the best city to live in the world, and has been voted in by the Mercer Study for nine years in a row; More than half of the area of ​​the capital, Vienna, is green, and contains 280 parks and gardens, and in the spring, 400 species of flowers bloom in the Volksgarden Park alone, so the visitor can go walking tours, day trips, bike trips, and hiking [3] .


  1. “Vienna”,, Retrieved 2021-3-18. Edited.
  2. “Vienna, Austria”,, Retrieved 3-6-2018. Edited.
  3. “Green Vienna”,, Retrieved 3-6-2018. Edited.

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