Tourism in Tanzania - 9oole

Tourism in Tanzania

Tourism in Tanzania



Tanzania is one of the federal republics consisting of (26) regions or miku, any municipality, which is located in the middle east of the continent of Africa, bordered on the east by the Indian Ocean, on the west by Burundi, Rwanda and the Democratic Republic of the Congo, and bordered on the north by the Republic of Uganda and Kenya, and The southern side is Malawi, the Republic of Zambia and the Republic of Mozambique, and its capital is Dodoma. [1]

The Climate

Tanzania has a humid tropical climate in most of its regions, but due to its multiplicity and wideness, there are other types of climate in it. The Sudanese climate prevails in it, where temperatures drop in the highlands and the percentage of rain increases on the slopes. [2]

Tourist areas in Tanzania

Tanzania is famous for many tourist places, the most important of which are: [3]

  • Silos : It is a reserve that contains many animals such as savannah animals, accessible by planes , and can be roamed in.
  • Pemba Island : It is called the Green Island and is part of the Spice Islands archipelago, located on the Indian Ocean, containing good places for diving and enjoying the view of beautiful and wonderful marine life.
  • Mafia Island : It is an island from the archipelago of spices, the population of the island is about (40) thousand people, characterized by its white and clean sandy beaches, and many diving places, which made it a distinctive tourist destination.
  • Ruha National Park : This island is located in the center of the country, and is considered one of the largest parks in the region, as it contains many animals such as: elephants, tigers, lions, wild dogs, foxes, bats, antelopes, and many others, where visitors are allowed to roam inside the park They provide many services.
  • Tarangire Park : It is a national island dedicated to bird breeding. It contains more than (550) species of different birds, in addition to some animals such as: lions, huge elephants, and termite mounds.
  • Zanzibar : It is considered one of the historical areas in Tanzania, as it was a commercial center in Africa, characterized by its white houses and coral beaches.
  • Minyara: It is a lake in which there are many migratory birds, which are more than (300) species of birds, in addition to ostriches. In dry seasons, wild animals, elephants, hippos and giraffes abound, and there are many facilities and services that serve its visitors.
  • Ngoro Ngoro region : It is a very old volcano crater approximately (3) million years ago, in which there are many wild animals, especially endangered ones, such as: the black rhinoceros, where tourists come to enjoy seeing these animals.


  1. “tanzania” , , Retrieved 8-8-2018. Edited.
  2. “climate in tanzania”,, Retrieved 8-8-2018. Edited.
  3. “tanzania”,, Retrieved 8-8-2018. Edited.

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