What is the Importance of Tourism? - 9oole

What is the Importance of Tourism?

What is the importance of tourism

Tourism effect

Tourism affects the social and cultural life of the host communities, through the following:

  • Communication with the outside world becomes greater thanks to tourism, and it increases the import of goods and services, in addition, it encourages cultural exchange, promotes the process of internationalization (subject to international supervision), and develops the fields of trade and communications in full.
  • Local interest in arts, especially handicrafts, theatre, music, and dance, is increasing, becoming popular, and receiving huge patronage from the local community, in addition to its direct impact on areas related to art, such as architecture, painting, and literature.

The impact of Tourism on the Economy

Tourism enhances the local economy, and increases wealth when the numbers of visitors flow into it, and also this contributes to creating new job opportunities, and encourages improvement of infrastructure, and other types of investments, [1] and it directly affects the gross domestic product; Where dealing with hotels, travel agencies, airlines, tour operators, restaurants, and other activities that meet the needs of tourists, and also affect the economy indirectly through activities in the tourism sector, capital investment increases, and this includes all Sectors that work mainly in the field of tourism, as well as investing in tourism assets, such as: transportation and accommodation, in addition to government spending for tourism, and spending may be local or national, such as: tourism promotion and visitor services. [2]

The Importance of Tourism to the Environment

Natural tourism helps to promote the preservation of wildlife and natural resources, such as: rainforests, as it is currently considered one of the tourist attractions in the world. Tourism also helps in obtaining funding to preserve animals, and marine parks by obtaining entry fees and guide fees. , extension, and other sources of labour, thus reducing problems such as overfishing and deforestation in developing countries. [3]

The Reviewer

  1. “The Importance Of Tourism In Mauritius Tourism Essay PRINT”, www.ukessays.com,23-3-2015، Retrieved 11-1-2018. Edited.
  2. ↑ Alberto F. Lemma,(2014) assets.publishing.service.gov.uk, Page 2. Edited.
  3. “Positive & Negative Effects of Tourism”, www.traveltips.usatoday.com, Retrieved 11-1-2018. Edited.

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