Where is Babylon? - 9oole

Where is Babylon?

Where is Babylon

Babel site

Where is Babylon? : The city of Babylon is located along the Euphrates River in the country of Iraq , specifically 88 km south of the city of Baghdad, within the boundaries of the modern city of Hilla. Akkadian, specifically in southern Mesopotamia. [1] [2]

The city of Babylon is one of the most famous cities among the cities of ancient civilizations. The city was the capital of the Babylonians in southern Mesopotamia. The city is located at latitude 32.5 degrees to the north, and on the longitude the city of Babylon is located at a point of 44.4 degrees east. [3] [4]

Geography of Babylon

The place where the remains of the ancient city of Babylon are located at the present time is the city of Hilla, as a number of destroyed buildings remain from the city and the remains of debris. The Euphrates divides the city into two halves, but at the present time the course of the river has changed, and now covers a large part of the western part of the city. Nevertheless, some parts of the western city walls remain, and it is worth mentioning some of the remains of the city, which are as follows: [5]

  • The palace, called the Citadel, is located in the center of New Babylon.
  • Temple of Imran bin Ali, located 25 meters south on the highest hills.
  • Humaira, a red mound in the western side of the city, where most of the Hellenistic remains were gathered.
  • The hill of Babylon, the height of this hill is estimated at 22 meters from the north of the city, and a palace was built on it, which was built by Nebuchadnezzar, but the stones of the palace were looted in ancient times.

From Babylon

The following is a number of distinctive information about the city of Babylon: [6]

  • It is noteworthy that the name Babylon is derived from the words (bav-il) or (bav-ilim), which means in the Akkadian language that was used at that time (the gate of God), or (the gate of the gods).
  • Interest in the antiquities of Mesopotamia and Babylon began after the references mentioned in some books, and as a result of which the German archaeologist Robert Koldewey made a mission to Babylon in 1899, and this was the first time that the ruins of Babylon had been excavated.
  • The city of Babylon was famous for its distinctive buildings and walls, and was distinguished as a center for learning and culture, and one of its most famous landmarks is the man-made Hanging Gardens of Babylon, which were among the Seven Wonders of the World.

The golden age of Babylon

The city of Babylon enjoyed a golden period, specifically in the sixth and seventh centuries BC, and at that time it was considered the largest city in the world, and there was a new dynasty in the city, founded by the Chaldeans tribe, and this tribe had wrested control from the Assyrians in the beginning of the sixth century BC And the ruler at the time was Nebuchadnezzar II. [7]


The city of Babylon was distinguished in antiquity as the most beautiful and most famous of the cities of ancient civilizations. and the study.

The Reviewer

  1. ↑ “Babylonia” , history , 20/8/2019, Retrieved 1/7/2021. Edited.
  2. ↑ Henry WF Saggs (7/5/2021), “Babylon” , britannica , Retrieved 1/7/2021. Edited.
  3. ↑ “Your guide to the ancient city of Babylon”, historyextra, 1/8/2020, Retrieved 1/7/2021. Edited.
  4. ↑ “Babylon, Iraq”, asterweb, Retrieved 1/7/2021. Edited.
  5. ↑ “Babylon facts for kids”, kiddle, Retrieved 1/7/2021. Edited.
  6. ↑ Joshua J. Mark (28/4/2011), “Babylon”, worldhistory, Retrieved 1/7/2021. Edited.
  7. ↑ “Beautiful Babylon: Jewel of the Ancient World”, nationalgeographic, 22/2/2019, Retrieved 1/7/2021. Edited.

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