What does rain on other planets? - 9oole

What does rain on other planets?

What does rain on other planets

We are used to enjoying the sight and the scent of rain. Rain has been a source of human life and all living things throughout the ages, and it has also been a source of destruction at times. But what does it rain on the skies of other planets?

Learn about five different and strange types of rain on other planets.

Jupiter and Saturn: Diamonds

If you are about to marry, you will want a short visit to this planet! According to the data obtained by scientists, the sky rains diamonds in Jupiter and Saturn, because the atmosphere contains methane, from which thunderstorms produce carbon, giving graphite in turn, and when graphite is subjected to pressure. The hardest is made up of diamonds.

Venus: Sulfuric Acid

If you get scared when you’ve heard of acid rain on Earth before, then be happy that you don’t live on a flower. Flower clouds contain sulfur dioxide. Which reacts with water to form sulfuric acid, and although the rain does fall in the form of sulfuric acid, it evaporates before it reaches the surface.

Titan: Liquid Methane

Titan, the moon of Saturn, is similar to the Earth in terms of winds, volcanoes and rain, and the similarity between Titan and the Earth does not stop at this point; they are the only ones in the Solar System where liquid rain reaches a solid surface. Methane, and it falls on its surface approximately once every thousand years!

HD 189733 B: Glass

Perhaps I was impressed by the picturesque blue HD 189733 b scene, which resembles our Earth and is about 63 light-years away from it, but scientists have discovered that the rain of liquid glass is what gives this planet its color. The reason for this is the proximity of the planet to its star, which raises the temperature to 980 degrees Celsius, causing side rains at 4,350 miles per hour.

COROT-7b: Rocks

While most of the giant outer planets are made of gas, “COROT-7b” is made of rocks, and its skies even rain rocks!. If its atmosphere consists of the same components of the rocks; Sodium, potassium, iron and silicon monoxide, which condense to form pebbles that fall like rain on its surface. Whenever your clothes are dirty or hurt a little bit from the rain next time, be grateful to be on the ground! ”

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