Why do we feel dizzy? - 9oole

Why do we feel dizzy?

Why do we feel dizzy The inner ear contains channels in which fluids are responsible for determining the direction of the body and balance.... The brain is constantly matching the results of balance signals from the inner ear with the sense of sight. Any difference between the signals coming from these two sources does the spinner condition. That is why a person reading a book inside a speeding car may feel a kind of dizziness due to the mismatch of the signals coming from the inner ear due to the speed of the car and the mismatch of the sense of sight that focuses on the words in the book. Seasickness and nausea experienced by astronauts are also caused by the same condition.
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Why do we feel dizzy? The inner ear contains channels in which fluids are responsible for determining the direction of the body and balance…. The brain is constantly matching the results of balance signals from the
inner ear with the sense of sight. Any difference between the signals coming from these two sources does the spinner condition. That is why a person reading a book inside a speeding car may feel a kind of dizziness due to the mismatch of the signals coming from the inner ear due to the speed of the car and the mismatch of the sense of sight that focuses on the words in the book. Seasickness and nausea experienced by astronauts are also caused by the same condition.


The brain activates the digestive system emptying system directly in this case for fear that the mismatch is the result of poisoning, as the feeling of dizziness is one of the first symptoms of poisoning, and for this the person finds himself feeling that he will empty his stomach as a defense system to protect against poisoning.

To bypass the vertigo state, it is necessary to work consciously to match the visual signals with the balance signals resulting from the inner ear, by looking at the outside of the car, for example, so that the brain realizes that the movement of the body is visually justified.

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