Skin whitening masks - 9oole

Skin whitening masks

Skin whitening masks


Mint mask

Mint is used in many skin-lightening treatments, because it contains many effective substances in the treatment of pigmentation and dark areas of the skin, and the method is: [1]

  • the components:
    • A handful of mint leaves.
    • Electric food processor or manual mortar and pestle.
  • How to prepare:
    • Grind mint leaves using a food processor or mortar to get a paste.
    • Apply the paste on the skin and leave it for 20 minutes, then wash it with cold water.
    • Continue using this treatment for 15 days to get the best results.

Papaya and honey mask

Papaya has many benefits for the skin, because it contains many acids that have the ability to remove dead cells and impurities accumulated on the skin, and honey contains antibacterial properties that protect the skin, and its method is: [2 ]

  • the components:
    • Half a cup of fresh papaya pieces.
    • A teaspoon of honey.
  • How to prepare:
    • Mash the papaya pieces to get a smooth and thick mixture.
    • Add honey to the mixture and stir well.
    • Put the mixture on the face, leave it for 20 minutes, then wash the skin with warm water, then with cold water.
    • This mask should be used every night before bed for best results.

Note: This remedy is not recommended if you are allergic to papaya and papaya products.

Yogurt milk mask

Yogurt contains many nutrients that are beneficial to the skin, such as lactic acid, which helps lighten the skin, and it is a suitable treatment for all skin types, and the method is: [3]

  • the components:
    • A tablespoon of milk.
    • Half a tablespoon of honey.
  • How to prepare:
    • Mix the ingredients well and apply it on the skin.
    • Leave the mixture for 10-15 minutes, then wash the area with water.
    • Use this mask daily to get the best results.

Note: You can also add a little lemon juice and oatmeal to get fresh and moisturized skin.

Cucumber mask

Cucumber has many benefits for the skin, including the assembly of collagen, which makes the skin firm and supple, and it also helps to cool and moisturize the skin. Repeat this mask twice a day to get the best results, and it can also be used in another way, which is summarized by squeezing cucumber and mixing it with an amount of honey to get a mask, then applying it to the skin, leaving it for a period ranging from 15 to 20 minutes, then washing it with cold water. [3]


  1. ↑ Linda Chechar (07-18-2017), “Skin Whitening Remedies” , , Retrieved 02-23-2019. Edited.
  2. ↑ Kushneet Kukreja (20-10-2017), “15 Homemade Skin Lightening (Whitening) Remedies And Treatments”ØŒ, Retrieved 23-02-2019. Edited.
  3. ^ Top10HomeRemedies Team (12-10-2018), “How to Lighten Skin Naturally”ØŒ, Retrieved 23-02-2019. Edited.

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